Openings in postdoctoral position

Multiple post-doctoral positions are available (last update: Jun. 2020) for the following research subjects

1. Topology Optimization of Multifunctional Structures considering their Multiscale and Multiphysical nature.

2. Constitutive Modeling of Multifunctional Material

3. Simulation and Modeling of Polymeric Structures using HPC (eg. Molecular Dynamics, Coarse-graining, Discrete Element Method, and etc.)

The candidates are expected to have:

  • Solid understanding of finite element methods and their theoretical backgrounds
  • Good record of publication
  • Programming experience
  • Fluency in English

If you are interested in any of the above projects, please contact Prof. Chung (, clearly specifying the subject of interest.



Kor link:

Eng link


Open Positions (Oct. 20. 2019)

Currently (Oct. 20th, 2019) we have several open positions for the following research subjects:

Post-doctoral researcher / Ph. D. / M. S. / Undergraduate Intern

The research subjects are, but not limited to:

  • Structural Analysis of Multiscale and/or Multiphysics problems, e.g,, phase-changing materials, additively manufactured material
  • Large scale design optimization considering the fabrication process
  • Parametric reduced order model of high-fidelity analysis

Interested candidates should contact Dr. Chung directly via
It is desirable to identify the position, and the area of research interest. (the research interest does not have to be listed above)

함께 연구하실 연구자 분들을 모시고 있습니다. (2019년 10월 20일 현재 기준)

박사 후 연구원 / 박사과정 (석박통합 포함) / 석사과정 / 학부 인턴

박사후 연구원 / 박사과정 / 석사과정 연구 예시 (변경 가능)

  • 대변형 거동 구조체의 멀티스케일-멀티피직스 문제 (예: 상전이 재료)
  • HPC 기반 hexa-scale 구조 최적설계
  • 다물리 시뮬레이션의 Parametric 축소 모델 구축

학부 인턴: 연구 주제 추후 논의

구조해석 시뮬레이션 및 최적 설계 기법에 관심이 있는 어떤 분이든 환영합니다.

연락처: (메일 발송 시 현 소속 및 연구 관심 분야 명기)